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Our Chief Doctors

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Dr B. Bapuji, BSc, MBBS, ND

Dr. B. Bapuji was born on 12th July 1950, in the family of Doctors and Naturopaths. Since childhood while staying in the premises of Nature cure hospital, had the opportunity of seeing patients getting well from so called intractable diseases and getting discharged. Full Profile >>

Senior Consultant
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Dr Rani Bapuji, ND

Dr.Rani Bapuji, N.D. was born on 27th July in the family of Naturopaths. Her parents established Naturopathy in the state of Tamilnadu between 1964-1999. She completed her 4 year diploma course (N.D), the only course available recognized by the Board of Indian Medicine in 1977. Full Profile >>

Senior Consultant
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Dr Aditya Bapuji, MBBS, DFM

Dr. Aditya Bapuji, was born into a legacy of doctors on 21st of July, 1985. With his father actively practicing Naturopathy and his grandparents establishing a clinic focused on holistic treatments, healing and caring had been an integral part of his life from early childhood. Full Profile >>
