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25 minutes Yoga Everyday

There are hundreds of yogic postures (yogasanas) described in hathayoga, some are very difficult and some are frightening from layman’s point of view. Hence, a simple 25 minutes yoga regimen has been designed which can be adopted by everyone between the ages of 10 to 60 years provided they don’t have specific medical contraindication. This regimen can be attempted at home. It may be borne in mind that though the postures in this regimen look very simple by way of technique, it takes atleast 8 to 12 weeks of constant effort to attain a reasonable perfection. People who have specific problems of health where some of the exercises may be contraindicated should take clearance either from us or from their physician before taking up this regimen. However, the simple tip is that people above the age of 30 ( who have never done any exercise and are too stiff) should first attempt spinal exercises prescribed seperately for 10 minutes before breakfast and before dinner twice a day for a period of 2 months and then take up “25 minutes yoga for you”.

The attempt in this regimen has been made to give only a physical exercise regimen from medical aspect to the common man, taking into consideration his weaknesses and over indulgences. The philosophical and spiritual aspects have already been dealt with, in detail by many a great exponent of yoga.

Time in Mins.
IPART12Posture Cyclic Exercise (4+1)5 min
IIPART2Abdominal Exercises (2+2)4 min
IIIPART 6Yogasanas (1+2+1+1+1+2)8 min
IV PART 6 Breathing exercises (4+2) 6 min
V PART 1 Shavasana (2)2 min
 Total25 mins

“25 minutes Yoga for You” should be done in 25 minutes only.

An important advice, before taking up “25 Minutes Yoga for You.”

Most of the people after crossing the age of 30 have definitely some Health problems and are too stiff due to sedentary life style.

It is advised for those who are below 30-60 years of age that they attempt first, the Spinal exercises (for 10 minutes in the morning (any time before breakfast) and then again 10 minutes (before dinner) in the evening, twice a day for 4 to 8 few weeks.

A reasonable spinal flexibility is achieved, after 4 – 8 weeks of regular effort in Spinal exercises, and then they can attempt “25 minutes Yoga for you” regimen given in this session which is a total exercise. (Please refer the book for details).

25mins-1 25mins-2 25mins-3 25mins-4

The details of the regimen

Following to be noted before taking up the Regimen

Any restriction in day to day life.

This 25 minutes yoga regimen is worked out carefully for individuals keeping I view of their stress and strain, temptations of food and other habits. Hence, much thought need not be given to the restrictions imposed in advanced yogic practices, advocated by some experts and those restrictions are not applicable to this regimen.

Rest after each posture (asana)

Each posture has to be followed by rest ½ a minute or as specified, by doing Shavasana given in part V so that heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate, muscle tone and tone of the nerves settle down to basal levels before the next asana.

No particular sequence

Sequence of various posture in this regimen have been decided for convenience and also from most strenuous to milder exercise. Since, ½ mt. Rest is prescribed between the postures, no particular sequence required to be followed. Hence, vipareethasana (reverse posture) after an asana advocated by some, is not necessary.

Games and yoga

One can play games of one’s choice but only after 25 mts. Yoga not as a substitute to it.

Body Pains

Body pains are common during the first 3 to 4 days when any exercise regimen is taken up, for the first time. Hence, continue 25 mts. Yoga everyday inspite of these non specific pains which will disappear within a week. Hot water baths or massage and steam bath if possible twice during the first week will relieve the pains.

Some of the postures might look difficult, but there is nothing to be discouraged about. One will be able to do reasonably well within 8 to 12 weeks of regular effort.

What time of the day is the best

Early morning hours are the best suited for doing yoga particularly after bowel evacuation. But one need not wait for bowel movement if it is delayed. For those, particularly house-wives, if it is not convenient early in the morning, they can do either between 9 to 10 a.m. or between 4 to 6 p.m. It has to be ensured that no solid food is taken 3 to 4 hours prior to these exercises.

What Dress:

Swimming trunk for men and Salvar – Kurta or leotard for women are the best and most convenient dresses for doing yogic exercises.

Age Limit:

Girls and Boys should not start exercises until they attain the age 10 to 12 years respectively to avoid precocious puberty and skeletal deformities.

For Women:

Women, during menses, should avoid these exercises for the first 3 days. They can resume yoga from fourth day even if bleeding is present, unless it is profuse. Similarly one should avoid exercise during fever.

No Single Posture to Cure a Particular Disease:

There is no particular asana (Posture) to cure a particular disease as frequently enquired by some people. In a particular posture certain organs have improved function due to altered circulation and nervous and hormonal stimulation.

Non-Veg. & Yoga:

One need not become vegetarian to do these exercises. However, it should be borne in mind that one has to cut down non vegetarian foods including eggs (to twice a week only) after the age of 20 in view of saturated fats to prevent high cholesterol and abnormal lipid profile.

Author Info


Armed with a Bachelor’s Degree in Botany, Zoology and Chemistry and an M.B.B.S by 1977, Dr. Bapuji had a clear aim in his mind – Naturopathy. Graduating as one of the first to have taken up as Naturopathy as a career in India, he was appointed as the ‘Doctor on special duty’ to handle complicated cases and emergencies for the patients undergoing treatment at the Nature Cure Hospital in 1980.

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